Saturday, 13 September 2008


Well, it's now a couple of weeks since "Love Our Way" was released and we have been really touched by the many emails and blog comments we've received. It is heartwarming to know that so many people are reading our story and are interested in the welfare of our family in India.

Unfortunately I am unable to reply directly to messages on this blog, so if you would like me to respond please email me at instead. I will answer a couple of questions left in recent comments...
* Yes - we are interested in publishing in the US. My agent will be looking for an overseas publisher but the publishing process takes a long time, so email me if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the book.
* Donations can be made directly via the Paypal button on the right side of this page. All money received goes in total to supporting Sunama and her children in India. We have looked into obtaining tax deductibility for donors but, unfortunately, we cannot meet the requirements for recognition as a charity as set by the ATO.

Vidya recently visited Sunama and the children. They are doing well, though all of them still greatly miss Babu. Sabila was delighted to hear that Fareeda won an award at school for dancing. Sabi intends teaching Fareeda and Zarina some simple classic dance steps during our upcoming visit.
We were happy to receive these photos of the children, all dressed smartly in their school uniforms. Jaan Basha and Zeenath, in particular, have grown up so quickly!


Unknown said...

Hi Julia,

Just a quick note to say how wonderful your book was. You really are an inspirational person with such integrity.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book and look forward to follow the family's progress. It is terribly sad to hear of Babu's passing, but thank goodness the family now has your support to hopefully grow and flourish.

It is just so sad to know that their story of poverty is one so common in such a beautiful country. We can't imagine their daily struggles.

We had hoped to adopt from India, but the uncertain wait of 5 years plus is too much for us as a childless couple desperate to be parents, but hopefully in the future when we have more patience (or maybe with an improved process) we will revisit this in the future.

Thanks again,


Anonymous said...

Hi Julia,
Loved the book it really has prepared me for my visit to India. I am leaving Wed 17th Sept and I am going to work in an orphanage in Pondacherry so your book gave me some insight in what to expect.
Thanks again Christine Shaw

Anonymous said...

I loved your book. How strange life can be. Sunama's great loss in having the children stolen may now, because of you and your childrens courage, become one of her greatest blessings.

Memmie said...

Dear Julia & family

I couldn't put your book down and it has inspired my to "do" something to make a difference.



Anonymous said...

Hi Julia
I was travelling from Hobart to Melb this week and saw your book advertised in the flight magazine, so I bought it when I arrived in Melb. I couldnt put the book down, I feel as though I know you and your family,and your special family in India, I couldnt believe it when I saw the website noted at the back of book. It was sad news that Babu passed away, but with everyone's help I know that the family will survive and continue on their journey.


Anonymous said...

thankyou for sharing your lives and family with us. I was really touched by the courage and maturity your family, esp Akil and Sabi, shown in the difficult situation. I wish your entire family the very best in the future.

Deb said...

Hi Julia,

I have just finished reading your book, (in a day) thankyou for sharing such an inspiring story and allowing readers into your family's lives.
I guess I feel a bit naive as I did not realise about all the problems involved with overseas adoptions.
Also the way you have unselfishly allowed birth parents to share in the childrens lives is selfless.
I was sad to hear of Babu's passing, but glad the family are coping. How did Akil and Sabi cope with the news. These as do all of your children seem to be so well grounded and happy you should be very proud of them.
I wish you and your family's all the happiness in the world for the future.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julia,
Have just read you book in two days. You and Barry and the rest of the family are an inspiration to all of us. You generosity and love deserves the highest commendation.

Kate Russell said...

Hello Julia,Firstly I would like to pass on my prayers and condolence to both your families for the sad loss of Babu.  Such a gentle soul and will surely be missed.Secondly, I would like to congratulate you on a fantastic book, very inspirational and motivational.  I must admit I was drawn to the book through the largeness of your family rather then the overseas adoptions.  I am one of nine, the youngest and we were all born in one country but now live in 6 different countries worldwide.  Can't wait to read the next book.  All the best. Kate Russell

Mal said...

Hi Julia & Family
i wanted to say how much of an inspiration your book was to me and I read the book in 1 day & night , i was on holidays and i could not put it down. Your true love and commitment to your children inpires me to think about foster care as our family have thought about it for many years and our 3 daughters aged 17,14,12 have always said that we as a family have a lot more love that we can share. Oh boy you & your family have bucket loads of the stuff and i can only imagine how much you receive back as well. love to you all and your Indian family. will think of you often. love jill & family. brisbane qld aust.

Carol (honeywine) said...

Loved your book Julia and read it in a couple of days.
A long time ago I was Alix's scout leader in Kambah - she knew me as Kanga.....It took me a while to put two and two together but after looking at the photos in your book - I thought - I know Alix! I am sure it was about that time when you adopted Joel
Anyway - I loved your book and your style - I wish your family both here and in India every happiness on its journey
Thanks for sharing your experiences
and giving so many children hope

Carol (honeywine) said...

Thanks for sharing your amazing journey and your families happiness and sometimes sadness. It was wonderful to read.
I was looking at the photos in your book and I realised that I know Alix. I was her scout leader for a short while in kambah ACT about the time you were adopting Joet I think. She would have known me as Kanga and I remember her well - assured and positive.
I was sad to hear of Babu's passing. But what a difference you and your family have made to this family in India and the choices that the children will be able to make now through their education Anyway I wish you and your family both here and in India happiness and love

Anonymous said...

I would like to congratulate you on such a great book. I had actually put it on my Christmas wish list but couldn't wait and had to buy it. I am so glad I did.

Both you, your husband and children are an inspiration. My husband and I have often talked about fostering but have not as yet because we are not sure that we could hand them back and unfortunately do not have the resources at this point in our life to do what you have done. We do sponsor an African boy who we refer to as our other son.

Although we already have a large family hopefully one day we will also be able to make a difference in the lives of other children also.

Thank you so much for your story and good luck to ALL of your family for the future.

Jodie Taylor

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia,

I have just finished your wonderful book and jumped right onto the website. Like your other readers, I was deeply saddened to hear the passing of Babu and shed a few tears as I felt like I got to know him personally through your book.

Being a "1960's" adopted child, I have very strong beliefs in the benefits of adoption (especially overseas adoption). My story is of course nothing like Akil and Sabila's and the rest of your beautiful overseas children. I was blessed to be born and raised in Australia and adopted at 6 weeks of age. Still, being adopted is a badge I wear proudly even now in my late 30's!

As a mother of two gorgeous children, my heart wept for Sunama's loss and then strengthened at your amazing courage to open the door to a potential nightmare instead of ignoring it.

I hope that one aspect of your story will encourage other fortunate couples/families to consider overseas adoption and the enormous love and fulfilment that adopting can bring into your life.

Thank you so much for sharing this journey with complete strangers. I admire your giving heart and endless generosity not just to your Indian family but to the many aspects of your children's lives.

Good luck and God Bless for all the future holds.

Mary-Tricia said...

Julia, I heard you on the radio this morning and was profoundly moved by your story ... tears flowed. Truly among mothers, you are one of the greats ... so deeply blessed. Those of us who have been touched by your story are hopefully now somewhat more wiser, more loving and more spiritual. Thank-you. Mary-Tricia

Anonymous said...

Julia, thank you for your story. My sister first read it and then passed it onto my mother who gave it to me last night - I could not put it down and have just finished reading it this afternoon. I have shed many tears and given my baby daughter lots of cuddles while reading. I was so saddened to hear of Babu's death. It is reassurig to know that Sunama has the love and support of Vidya and her Australian family.
I look forward to seeing lots more news and photos of your trip to India and how the children and Sunama are going.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for your wonderful book, thanks also to your children (all of them) for allowing you to share their story. We are in the process of applying for adoption and also have biological children. I gained so much not only from your story but also the many insights into parenting adopted children and what to be prepared for and expect. Your book has help keep me on the path of adoption even though it will be a long difficult journey. Also, would love to know how Sadan is going.