We have just returned from spending two weeks in Chennai with Sunama and the children. Barry and I rented an apartment in the city and our Indian family came from her village to spend the time with us. We all had a great time together. Everyone was more relaxed as we knew each other from our previous visit and had plenty of time to take things easy.
I gave Sunama a copy of "Love Our Way" and she was thrilled. Although she can't read, she was delighted to see the photos and to hear that thousands of people now know her story and send her messages of love and support.
Gopu Mohan from the newspaper Indian Express interviewed us and published a story here.
Dear Julia, My daughter gave me your book for my birthday in Oct and once I started to read it I couldn't put it down - it was inspirational! It is now very sad to read of the passing of Babu but so good to see the family looking happy and settled in their new home. It was an eye opener for me to read your account of the living conditions of the family on your first meeting. We take so much for granted here. I wish you all well and hope the children continue to flourish as they seem to be now. Regards, Robyn (Albury NSW)
Hi Julia, I brought your book for a trip to Qld but it didn't quite get there as I started to read it before I left Melbourne. Thank you for such an inspirtional book.
Kind Regards
Dear Julia, What an amazing life you have lead and having just finished your book, I was glad to see I could continue reading about your wonderful family. All the best to you and your family in the years ahead.
Robyn (Adelaide)
hi Julia
I last visited your blog and left a comment in July, before your book was released. I hadn't seen your book around until this week when I was flying home to Brisbane after a visit to Cairns - it was in the Cairns airport. I started reading it this morning and finished it this evening. What a compelling story and what a remarkable family you have. The situation and plight of your Indian family is almost incomprehensible. I believe that education can be a key to the pathway out of poverty, and I'm heartened to learn that the younger children will be given opportunities their mother never had with regard to schooling. My heartfelt thoughts are with you and your children and everyone affected by Babu's passing.
Emma (and Aaron) in Queensland
Hi :)
My Mum gave me your book (yesterday!) and I couldn't put it down until I was finished. I am really glad to see you have a blog and I can check in and see how everybody is going. I am really happy to see that Sunama and the children are faring well, although sad to hear that Babu has passed.
Best wishes to you all for 2009.
Adelaide, SA
Dear Julia
The love and compassion that you and your family have shown to your children's natural family is heartwarming. Not only have you given your two beautiful children a loving home, but you have set a fine example of true compassion by caring for their family and providing for their future.
Your children, no doubt will follow your example in life.
You have an amazing family and an amazing attitude.
Well done on a lovely book.
Dina Batt
Dear Julia, I received your book for Christmas and loved it. I can't believe the horror that you must have felt when your realised that Akil and Sabi weren't given up voluntarily by their mother. I admire how you handled the situation by taking the children back to India and meeting their mother. It must have been a hard decision to make - incase she wanted the children back. We done on handling it so well. I will be donating some money to your special Indian family. Sunama is doing a wonderful job raising her youngest children. I was saddened to hear the news of Anwar's death. I loved seeing the 'new' photos - thank you for posting them. I can't wait to reading further updates. Sabi and Akil are beautiful children. You have done a great job of raising all your children! Regards, Michelle (Wodonga VIC)
Julia and Barry,
What incredible people you all are, both families, adults and children alike. I cannot imagine the rollercoaster ride you have experienced over the years. My heart goes out to your beautiful children for their understanding and acceptance of their siblings situations.
Regards Cheryle (Qld)
Dear Julia, I have just finished reading your book after starting it yesterday evening I just could not put it down. I was upset to read about Babu's declining health and now his consequent passing, condolences to you all. Reading your current post, I am glad to see Sunama and the children doing ok and obviously all the better for seeing Sabi, Akil and her Australian family. Thank you for writing both your Australian and Indian family's story and sharing it. You and Barry are truly amazing human beings. Best wishes and good health to all of you and I look forward to reading more about your inspirational family. Kind Regards, Jacqui (Adelaide)
I just finished reading your book last night so I thought I would go striaght to your blog to see what had happened since. I'm so dissapointed to hear that Babu passed away, however it was great to hear that you've been back to India just recently. I feel like I know all your family members and your Indian family members too, so it's good to see the happy photos! Thanks for such an enjoyable read...
Congratulations on your book! Your family's story is very touching and a vivid insight into the reality of poverty & the capacity for genuine compassion. It is a timely reminder that no matter how desperate we may think our own situation we have at least the basic necessities of life and do not suffer even a fraction of the daily trials these stoic people face. What a comfort & joy it must be to Sunama to have your family as part of her own and vice versa. Good luck to you all & I look forward to knowing where all these lovely kids end up making their mark on the world. Take care:)Sandy (Qld)
Hi Julia and Barry,
I am half way through your book Julia and I can't put it down. It has brought many tears to my eyes and some great big smiles too. You are amazing people and your family is gorgeous. All the very best to you all, may the future be bright for each and every one of you.
Warm wishes
Judy (Newcastle)
Dear Julia and family
I have just finished your book and couldn't wait to get online for a current update. I'm greatly saddened to hear of Babu's passing.
May all your family be blessed this year (although I think they are already blessed with a wonderful woman like you!!)
Warmest wishes
Trudi (Perth, WA)
Hay Boss glad to hear your all safe and well but when are you coming back to work ????
Thank you for your story
Dear Julia & Barry& family, thank you for sharing "LOVE OUR WAY". I was moved to tears(both of sadness & joy)by your heart- rending family story and am speechless at the boundless compassion you have shown in extending your family and, most recently, in supporting Sunama &her children in India. I hope the future brings you all much happiness!!
Love Barb Quill (Beacon Hill,NSW)
Julia & Barry & Sunama,
Thank you for the inspiration. What a wide and broad love you 3 show for all the children. The photos of Akil & Sabila with Sunama and the world map as background have such an impact. Hugs to all of you. Elisabeth (AL)
Dear Julia,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Although at times heart-wrenching it was also very heartwarming. You and Barry are two very special people with so much love to give to so many people. Your family is a credit to you, congratulations!
The passing of Babu was so sad but Sunama will be able to carry on knowing you are there for her and her beautiful children.
Regards Debra
Thank you for giving a genuine insight into what obstacles adoption families can face. A truly raw and emotional account of what your family has endured. What an amazing story! All credit to you. If only there were more people out there like you and Barry!
Kindest Regard
Dear Julia,Barry and Family,
What a truely inspiring family you all are.My Daughter first read your book and for her to sit and read it in a day was amazing in its self,i thought it must be an amazing story ,so i read it myself and yes what a sad story but out of it came a truely inspirational story of love and hope.Keep up the good work without people such as yourselves, children such as yours wouldn't be who they are.
Sharon Mills
Busselton Wa
Dear Barry & Julia, You are doing a fantastic job! I have just been reading your book, which was on the Reccomended list for last month with our local library, in Papakura, NZ. I was sad to see that Babu passed away, but thinking how much you helped him after his stroke - what a difference you must have made. Regards, AJ (Papakura)
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